"Once upon a time there was a girl called Kerry...

Her mother and father were heroes in her eyes, and in the beginning she was just as happy to be with one as she was with the other.

Her mother was a great talker (3rd House Moon square Mercury) and loved to tell her daughter stories of brave knights fighting for hopeless causes (Moon trine Mars in Pisces) and tales of oppressed maidens who choose death rather than an even worse fate (Pluto in Virgo sextile Moon/Neptune in Scorpio).

After the story was finished, she would wrap her arms tightly around little Kerry and say: “I love you so much I’m NEVER going to let you go!” (Moon in Scorpio sextile co-ruler Pluto). And then she would squeeze and squeeze as Kerry shrieked with delight (Venus square Pluto) and then suddenly let her go, which Kerry also liked (Venus square Uranus). In visage the Queen was pale as a ghost. Yet when asked people would describe her as “dark.”(Waning Moon in Scorpio) At times she spoke dreamily, but one sharp word from her mother would cause Kerry to snap to attention (Moon trine Mars, Mars opposition Ascendant, Moon square Mercury ruler of Asc.).

     Her father the King (Sun accidentally dignified in the 5th House [12]) would play games with her, games like chess or checkers where she had to use her mind (Mercury in Aquarius). He liked to talk about “the People.” Helping him to fulfil his royal obligations was his advisor, Kron (Sun in Aquarius sextile Saturn).

The King was often up late drawing up yet more Laws in order to make things even fairer than they were already (Sun quincunx Jupiter
[13]). He often travelled, saying he sought to broaden himself by locating the best ideas from learned men around the world[14].

Inside her castle home, Kerry was sometimes lonely for his friendly presence (Sun in Aquarius). Surrounded by the many beautiful objects her father had fetched from far away places, the castle was staffed by well-travelled adventurers and servants with strange-sounding accents (Venus in Sagittarius in the 4th House). It was all very exciting sometimes! She often dreamed of one day travelling to all those exotic places the castle knights had gone (Venus in Sagittarius ruling the 9th House of travel and dreams

    When he was home her father the King would take her to visit his sick subjects in the Hospital he had built (Sun ruling 12th House of institutions, sextile Saturn). He always made sure to tell her that even though she was princess, Kerry was no more high than those who lay ailing on the sickbed (Sun in Aquarius, Mercury in Aquarius).

As if to prove this, on special occasions the King would have all the children in the neighbouring area come together, and he would give a party that included identical gifts for all. Kerry, made to dress in the clothes of a groom’s daughter, would get lost in the crowd while the King organized everyone into groups for charades. It was at times like these that Kerry wished she were not a King’s daughter. How lovely it would be, to be someone’s special girl! (Sun ruling the shadowy 12th House; Venus in the 4th House square 1st House Uranus co-ruler of the Sun).

But most of the time she highly admired her father’s way of thinking and how he went about his business (Mercury in Aquarius in the 6th House of everyday labour
[16]). And it was true that her father continually spoke of his pleasure in producing a princess unlike any other, one who could already speak eloquently on the ideals of the day (Uranus and Mercury in Mutual Reception;[17] Uranus in the 1st House of the personal self). Also, her father had picked out a special horse just for her (Sun ruling the 12th House of large animals[18]).

The King emphasized good horsemanship (Sun sextile Saturn) while the Queen encouraged her to ride like the wind and exalt in the freedom it gave her (Venus ruled by Jupiter, Moon trine a Jupiter co-ruled Mars). She was known to work her horse very hard, and both of them would arrive back home steaming with sweat (Mars opposition Jupiter/Ascendant).

     The Queen, however, did not go along with the extent of the King’s charity. She believed that it was far better to “practice charity at home.” (Moon ruling the 11th House of benefactors [19]) She herself came from a family who ruled by force (Moon co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, aspecting both), once in power but now made to bow and scrape like everyone else (Moon in Fall, cadent[20]).

She was considered to have done well in marrying the King, yet she often dreamed of glories past (Moon conjunct
Neptune, co-ruled by Mars). And one of the King’s actions, that of exiling a minor King for deeds unspoken (Sun quincunx Jupiter, in the hidden 12th House ruled by the Sun) had produced in her such anger that it lay heavy upon her very soul (Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto).

     Now it came to be that this minor King was the Queen’s very own brother (Jupiter in 12th, 12th is 3rd from the 10th House of mother [21]). Much time was spent plotting on exacting not only his freedom, but also avengement for this dishonour against her kin (Mars co-ruled by Jupiter, trining Moon). The Queen enlisted the aid of a group of soldiers who freed her brother, and soon he was on his way to join her at the castle. For her revenge she settled on a magic potion that blended together all manner of foul and mysterious ingredients (Mars and Neptune in Mutual co-rulership) crying out: “Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair and Ever the case may be!” With that she smote the sleeping King with the potion, rendering him completely invisible.

When the advisor Kron came looking for the King later, the Queen was full of innocent dismay at his absence (Moon square Mercury; midpoint of Mercury/Jupiter =
Neptune[22]). And although the spell was meant only to render his physical being invisible, he had also lost the power to make his voice known too (Mercury Under the Beams of the Sun,[23] Sun in Detriment[24]).

     As the days and weeks passed, it was generally believed that the King had left on yet another of his missions and there was a new King in his place. This King did not appeal to the People and they rose up against him (Jupiter in Detriment [25] opposition Mars on Descendant). Princess Kerry herself became the target of much outrage (Mars opposition Ascendant); others felt that she had the voice of the People and was fit to rule (Mercury in Aquarius, ruling Ascendant and MC House of Kingship[26]). Through many fine and idealistic speeches---“My father would not have wanted us to get weighed down in sentiment and dangerous emotionalism. We must all pull together for the Common Good!”---She won over their heads, if not their hearts (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius).

 Her sunny smile and friendly approach to all warmed those who had originally opposed her (Venus in Sagittarius). The Queen persuaded her uncle the new King that Kerry was a good asset to the Kingdom (Moon sextile Ascendant, Moon ruling 11th House, 11th is the 2nd of the 10th). The advisor Kron was so enraged by both the disruption to his careful business plans, and cancelled construction of the blueprint archives, that he set fire to the whole thing and nearly burned down the castle! (Saturn in Fall [27] in Aries)

Through contacts made by the former King (Sun sextile Saturn; Saturn sextile MC) Kron was able to find work building monuments to dead soldiers---work he found thoroughly depressing. He feared he would never accept the loss of his former life position (Saturn in the 8th House of death, decay and loss

     Kerry felt her own loss, that of her father.

However, she practiced putting her pain out of mind every day (Mercury in Aquarius in 6th House) and soon everyone was commenting on how serene she appeared; she glided through the castle immaculately groomed and cool, calm, and collected (Virgo on Ascendant, Mercury ruling). Knowing just what her father would have wanted her to do, she began a school for young children (Sun trine Gemini MC) where she endeavoured to teach them the games of intellectual skill and ethical lessons her own father had felt fit for her.

She gained renown for being the only one who could induce the children to willingly take their health comfits: “Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down!” she would sing out gaily, and no one watching could help but smile at her antics. The children loved her, and she loved them, finding a way to be with her father…to be like her father (Sun in 5th House of Children).

     And there came a time when the Queen and her brother felt Kerry should marry. “She really should be married by now, you know,” said the usurper King (Jupiter ruling Venus).

“Yes,” sighed the Queen, “but have you noticed how difficult that might be to accomplish?” For the Queen had watched as Kerry would throw herself with great enthusiasm into a prospective match, horsing around, promising the sky, and engaging in deep philosophical discussions long into the night (Venus in Sagittarius). Yet as each match had begun so promisingly, so each ended without notice.

 One young man after another came to the Queen and complained that “Princess Kerry said she liked me best but Count so-and-so over there has just told me that she said the same thing to him!” The princess seemed to like each one as well as the other (Venus in Sagittarius, Sun in Aquarius). The young men lamented how Kerry would show ardent affection, then begin to make impossible demands upon them, pushing the limit of their own affections to the very edge of torment itself (Venus in separating square to Pluto; Pluto in the 1st House of the personal self).

Then, unexpectedly, she would become impersonal and distant (Venus in applying square to Uranus; Uranus in 1st House), acting bored and dissatisfied with all they did. In despair, one of her suitors threatened to take his life (Mars in Pisces on Descendant, opposite Jupiter in 12th).

But it was all to no avail.

     No sooner had the Queen finished listening to all the angry suitors (Mars on Descendant) than she had to contend with Kerry’s own complaints. “They have no spine, not one of them!” the Princess would cry (Pisces on Descendant, Venus square Pluto). “They cling like leeches and talk of nothing but a Divine Union with…who knows what! (Venus square Uranus, Neptune in the 3rd co-ruling the 7th) My God certainly doesn’t sound like their God! I can love my God! (Venus in Sagittarius ruling 9th House of religion) To tell the truth…” at this she looked sulkily at the Queen, “they seem to be describing a union with someone more like…you, Mother.” (3rd House Moon conjunctNeptune, trining Mars on Descendant; 3rd House is 9th from the 7th).

“Me?!” exclaimed the Queen. “There is nothing wrong with you my dear. (Moon sextile Ascendant) But I rather think you should be a little more caring towards those you would call “friend.” (Moon ruling 11th House of friends and those who can help) You never know what they can do for you later.” (Moon sextile Pluto; 11th House is 2nd from the 10th)

“Oh Mother!” Kerry exclaimed in exasperation, but nevertheless she kept her mother’s words in mind as she went about her daily business (Mercury in 6th, square Moon in 3rd).

     Though Kerry endeavoured to sustain her interest in the next suitor, she could not help but notice the handsome new bard who had taken up residence in the castle. “Now there’s a challenge!” she thought, and proceeded to ply her wit and energy to gain his attention (Venus in Sagittarius).

His songs of unrequited love both saddened and enchanted her (Chiron in the 7th House in Pisces). She longed to live in the worlds he described through his music. But alas, it was not to be. He was a wanderer and a-wandering he went (Jupiter in 12th co-ruling the 7th and opposing the Descendant). Kerry wept bitterly at his decision to leave her. Love was…not so wonderful after all. Why should it hurt so much? (Venus square Pluto and Chiron)

     Soon however, there came a gentleman to the court who seemed to embody all the fine qualities Kerry would want in a man. Yet even here she was unlucky, for this man was “married” to his job, as a priest (Chiron in Pisces in 7th). “No great matter!” Kerry thought to herself (Venus in Sagittarius). “I am the Princess---surely he cannot turn me down!” forgetting her father’s admonition of her royal state being essentially equal to the lowest beggar (Sun in Aquarius). But reject her he did (Chiron in 7th square Venus).

In her fervent desire to possess the priest (Venus square Pluto), she took on the guise of a Virgin Queen (Mercury ruling the Virgo Ascendant, square Neptune/Moon, Moon sextile Ascendant). The priest, on seeing the princess made thusly, fell weak with mortal lust (7th House Mars trine Moon; Mars opposition Jupiter/Ascendant). “I cannot resist the ineffable beauty and boundless mystery of Your Majesty,” he wept (Mars in Pisces on Descendant).

Kerry listened with satisfaction as the priest compared her purity with the angels whose statues graced the castle chapel. In the heat of their passion, the priest broke his vows. Kerry was sure she had won him over.

     Day upon day passed, the affair continued, while Kerry waited for the renouncement of his priesthood and rededication to her…that never came. The priest remained silent on this subject. Kerry began to regard him with no little scorn. How hypocritical he showed himself to be! (Venus in Sagittarius, Sun in Aquarius, Jupiter in Virgo) Her emotions, so long buried, began to simmer and bubble in a fetid mix (Moon in Scorpio sextile Ascendant).

By his very physical intimacy the priest had made a promise to her (Venus square Pluto). Surely that meant something? Was she so worthless that Love would never stay to live? Where was the King, the real King who could outlaw such a hypocrite? Better yet, where was her father to protect her from such pain and tell her what to do? She was so tired of leading the weak and guiding the ignorant.

    In one unplanned moment Kerry unleashed the fury of her thwarted desires (Mars opposition Ascendant). She had started by coolly listing her grievances to the priest, but had moved quickly past cool and calm to dangerously upset (Mercury in Aquarius square Moon in Scorpio, sextile Pluto and trine Mars). The priest was much surprised! For a while he watched her with confusion on his face. Then as her torrent of emotion began to run down, to weaken its storm, he sadly knelt beside her shuttering form.

“My queen…I had no idea that you felt so strongly about our union. If I had but known…if I’d known I would never have come near you nor thought what I did about you.” He paused. Kerry stopped crying. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean,” said the priest, “is that I was given to think you were quite a different woman altogether. I thought you gave your favours to me, to help me…to make me feel less lonely in my spiritual labours. This Divine marriage can lack love, and blessed love is what you gave me. Now I am filled and feel able to continue on with my chosen task in life.”

“But what about me? What about love for me?”

At his crestfallen face she realized it had never occurred to him. “Then…then who needs you?! The Devil take you!” she cried out angrily (Venus square Uranus) and ran with all speed back to the comfort of her bedroom (Venus in 4th House).

Click here for Kerry's Fairytale Astrology part 3

 Organic Divination for the Urban Jungle

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